I am a passionate UX/UI/Web professional with over 10 years of industry experience designing enterprise level SaaS applications for multiple financial organizations. This experience has allowed me to work on projects in various capacities including usability heuristic evaluation, user flows, task flows, information architecture, interaction design and implementation. Look around, and contact me if you are interested in learning more.


Listed below are the design elements of any successful UX project. Some I work with more than others. However, I have a solid understanding of the complete UX design process.

  • User and Product Goals
  • Functional and Content Requirements
  • Information Architecture
  • Information Design
  • Interface Design and Navigation Design
  • Graphic Design

Below are some of the most common tools I use in my UX/Web Design projects.

  • Design tools include Adobe CS suite, Balsamiq, Axure
  • UI Design Patterns/UI Design Principles
  • Semantic and standards compliance HTML, CSS, and JS (jQuery, custom widgets)
  • Grid Systems such as Bootstrap, Blueprint and 960 Grid
  • Development with PHP, Codeigniter, ASP.NET, XML/XSLT, SASS and Compass
  • Object-Oriented Development
  • SEO and web page optimization


Below are just some of the projects I've worked on at Ipreo. Please contact me for a complete portfolio and to discuss any opportunities further.


Some highly acclaimed individuals and sites that inspire me.